Alcoholism: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Alcoholism Symptoms Causes Treatment Healthhyme

Alcoholism refers to an addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disorder, in which a person is unable to refrain from frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol for physical or psychological reasons.

Alcoholism has been named one of the three most lethal killer diseases of the 20th century by the World Health Organization (WHO). Another significant social issue is alcoholism. It often brings poverty and a certain amount of crime and results in material unhappiness and broken homes.

It also leads to numerous traffic accidents. Alcohol is not a substance that naturally exists. It comes from decomposition and, as such, is a member of the toxin family. The primary intoxicating component of wine, beer, and distilled spirits is ethanol, a poisonous substance that depresses the brain and nervous system.

Symptoms of Alcohol

Alcohol cannot be called food for it enters the alimentary canal and is not changed or digested in any way. It is quickly absorbed in the bloodstream and then travels to every part of the body, adversely affecting vital organs like the brain and liver.

According to the WHO, Alcoholics are defined as heavy drinkers whose alcohol dependence has developed to the point where it manifests as a noticeable mental disturbance or interferes with their physical or mental health, their interpersonal relationships, or their regular social and economic functions, or who exhibit the prodromal symptoms of such development.

Hoarseness, bloodshot eyes, a quick heartbeat, and a bloated face are all characteristics of alcoholics. They exhibit suspicion, annoyance, and excessive emotion.

Other signs and symptoms include vomiting, confusion, poor judgement, and restless sleep. The persistent alcoholic doesn’t receive enough vitamins since they would prefer to drink than eat. The process of burning the alcohol in his body drains the little vitamins he has obtained from his system.

A lack of vitamins can cause memory loss, delirium tremors, convulsions, nutritional deficiencies, and ocular issues. Due to vitamin deficiencies, excessive drinking frequently accelerates hair aging. Mineral levels in the body, notable magnesium, are diminished as a result of chronic drinking.

It produces symptoms like tremors in the hands, feet, and tongue convulsions, mental clouding, and perspiration. Excessive drinking imposes a strain on the liver. It slowly eliminates its capabilities and frequently results in liver cirrhosis.

Disorders of the stomach and bowels result from it. Because brain cells are frequently impacted by it, it can result in brain damage. Alcohol also affects the heart which becomes weak and flabby Causes Alcoholism results from intemperate drinking. Sometimes it sneaks up on a person comparatively rapidly, other times, years may pass before a person becomes a full-fledged alcoholic. A weak-minded person consoles himself by taking drugs or alcohol.

Instead of facing the matter head-on, he does so in an attempt to flee from it.


Drinking is typically used to improve social interactions, manage anxiety, or promote sleep in people. If somebody becomes physically and psychologically reliant on alcohol, he develops alcoholism. He uses alcohol heavily because it is his unhelpful coping mechanism for life’s stresses.


The chronic alcoholic must first commit firmly to quitting drinking. He should abstain from alcohol all at once for the habit cannot be gotten rid of in gradual stages.

The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build To reduce cravings for stimulants like drinks, the body’s nutritional integrity should be maintained. At least 10 days should pass at first while the patients are on a cleansing juice fast for alcoholism. During this period, he should have the juice of an orange every two hours from 8 am to 8 pm. If desired, you can dilute the juice with warm water.

Vegetable juices may be consumed if orange juice does not agree. Bowels should be cleaned daily during fasting to remove any harmful substances that the body’s self-cleansing mechanism may have released.

The warm water enema can help with this. Typically, the patient won’t experience any alcohol cravings while on the juice fast. This will provide a strong foundation for the first 10 days of quitting drinking and will help eliminate both the physical and psychological aspects of reliance.

Following the initial juice fast, a diet rich in key nutrients is crucial. Such a diet should consist of whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds and sprouts, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

It is also advisable that at the beginning of the treatment, If and when a craving like this arises, the patient is provided a suitable substitute to satiate the craving. The finest alcohol substitute is a glass of honey-sweetened fresh fruit juice. if preferred. Alternatively, you might take some healthy candy. If the patient has a yearning for a stimulant, he or she should always have access to juices, candies, or other snacks to eat in between meals.

All refined foods should be avoided, including sugar, white rice, macaroni products, white flour, and pork. The patient should eat several small meals a day in preference to two or three large ones and avoid strong condiments such as pepper, mustard, and chili. He shouldn’t smoke because doing so would simply make him want to drink more.

The removal of drunkenness and reduction of the desire for wine and other intoxicating liquors are two benefits of using apples in the treatment of alcoholism. Raw celery juice is also considered helpful.

Along with proper nutrition, plenty of rest, and outdoor exercise, it has a sobering effect and acts as an antidote to alcohol.

The healthy condition of the appetite center, which controls the craving for alcohol is improved by exercise Yogic asanas for general health such as padmasan, vajrasan, vakrasan paschimotanasan yoga mudra, Bhuajangasan, Halasan, and Shalabhasana, as well as Yogic Kriyas such as Kunjal, Jalneti, and Simple Pranayamas such as Kapalbhati, Uloma-Viloma, Shitali, and Sitkari, will be Beneficial Water treatment for alcoholism also includes drinking a lot of it and applying hot fomentations to the stomach and abdomen while wearing a wet girdle pack in between applications.

And finally, it will be advisable to follow the nine commandments to prevent alcoholism, offered by psychiatrist Dr. William B. Terhune.

These are:

  1. never drink when you need one;
  2. sip slowly:
  3. space your drinks, take a second drink 30 minutes after the first and a third an hour after the second dilute your alcohol
  4. keep an accurate and truthful record of the amount and number of drinks you take:
  5. never conceal the amount of alcohol you drink:
  6. do not drink on an empty stomach
  7. stop drinking on ‘signal’ (signals are lunch, dinner, fatigue, sex stimulation, boredom, frustration, and bedtime):
  8. make it a rule never to take a Never, ever take a drink in the morning believing it will cure a hangover and
  9. never, ever drink to escape discomfort, whether it be physical or mental.
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