Helpful Tips For Practicing Lizard Pose Yoga

Lizard Pose

Lizard Pose is a yoga posture that targets the hamstrings and hip flexors. This pose helps relieve soreness in the inner thighs, lengthen your stride, increase power and agility, and reduce the risk of hamstring injuries. Here’s a breakdown of the technique and some helpful tips for practicing Lizard Pose:

Target Area: Hamstrings, Hip Flexors

Practical Benefits:

1. Inner Thigh Relief: Lizard Pose provides a deep stretch to the inner thighs, which can alleviate soreness and tension in that area.

2. Improved Stride Length: By regularly practicing Lizard Pose, you can increase the flexibility of your hip flexors and hamstrings, allowing for a longer stride during activities such as running or walking.

3. Enhanced Power and Agility: This pose targets the muscles involved in changing directions and quick movements, helping to improve power and agility.

4. Injury Prevention: By stretching the hamstrings and hip flexors, Lizard Pose can reduce the risk of injuries, such as hamstring strains, and promote better overall muscle balance and flexibility.


1. Begin in a Runner’s Lunge, with the front foot placed on the outside of the corresponding hand.
2. Press both palms firmly into the ground, maintaining stability and balance.
3. Extend the chest forward and upward, lengthening the spine as much as possible.
4. Keep the back flat and try to bring the hips as close to the ground as you comfortably can.
5. Hold the pose for 30 – 60 seconds, focusing on maintaining steady breath and relaxing into the stretch.

If you find it challenging to maintain balance or feel discomfort in the back knee, you can lower the back knee to the ground, creating a more restorative variation of the pose. This modification can provide additional support and relaxation.


1. Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward the space between your hands. This helps deepen the stretch and maintain a straight spine.

2. Avoid rounding your back as much as possible. Focus on lengthening the spine and opening the chest.

3. Experiment with different foot positions to find the variation that provides the deepest stretch for your hamstrings and hip flexors.

4. Be mindful of your body’s limitations and work within a comfortable range. Avoid any sharp pain or discomfort during the pose.

5. As you hold the pose, continue to breathe deeply and relax into the stretch. Allow any tension or tightness to gradually release with each breath.

Remember, consistency is key in improving flexibility and reaping the benefits of Lizard Pose. Regular practice will help relieve inner thigh soreness, enhance stride length, increase power and agility, and reduce the risk of hamstring injuries.

Listen to your body, modify as needed, and enjoy the benefits of this rejuvenating pose.

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